Submission guideline


Abstract submission guideline and template

IPRC Abstract Format

IPRC abstract must be formatted as follows:

  • On the first line, write the heading “Abstract” (centered and bold).
  • Do not indent any part of the text.
  • Single space the text.
  • Use Times New Roman font in 12 pt.
  • Set one-inch (or 2.54 cm) margins.
  • If you include a “keywords” section at the end of the abstract, indent the first line and italicize the word “Keywords” while leaving the keywords themselves without any formatting.

Abstract template

The submission of the abstract must follow this format.


Presenters whose abstracts have been accepted may choose to present and/or send their full papers. The papers will be evaluated by reviewers and may be selected for publication in a journal. Nevertheless, full paper submissions must fulfil the IPRC Full Paper Requirements and be written following the IPRC Full Paper Template.

IPRC Full Paper Requirements

The IPRC 2024 conference has the following key full paper requirements: Content, Focus, and Language.

      IPRC Full Paper Template

      The full paper submission must follow the IPRC full paper format. The word limit is 10,000 words, including the abstract and excluding references.

      Guidelines for Presenters

      This guideline helps presenters to prepare for their presentation on the colloquium day.