Type of registration
The conference offers two registration options:
Presenters: Presenters will have the opportunity to showcase their work during the conference and receive feedback from expert panels and the audience. To be considered for presentation, please submit an abstract of your proposed work via email to iprc.psyc@iium.edu.my. Full paper submissions are also welcome at the same email address. After receiving abstract approval, presenters can make payment and register for the colloquium. The registration fees and payment details are described in the following section.
Participants: Participants can attend all presentation sessions, workshops, and keynote speaker sessions, gaining valuable insights from a variety of experts.
Registration fees
The conference is free for IIUM and BSRI students. Local and international presenters and participants will have registration fees. Participants and presenters will be charged RM 80 (PSIMA members) and RM 100 (non-PSIMA members). The fee structure is summarized below:

Payment can be made to the IIUM Operating Account before 19 JULY 2024. The details are as follows:
Bank Muamalat Malaysia
Account no: 1407 – 000000 – 4716
Reference code/Swift code: IPRC.PSYC2024
*Please save/screenshot the payment receipt to be attached as proof of payment in the registration form
PSIMA membership
PSIMA (Psersatuan Psikologi Malaysia/Malaysian Psychological Association) is a non-profit organization registered with Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan Malaysia (PPM-002-10-24031988).

For more information about PSIMA membership, you may click the button below: