Malaysia Renewable Energy Roadmap
Moving forward, Malaysia aims to achieve a higher RE growth, from the existing 23% or 8.45 GW RE in its power installed capacity. Malaysia Renewable Energy Roadmap (MyRER) projected to increase the share of RE to 31% or 12.9 GW in 2025, and 40% or 18.0 GW in 2035. The RE Initiatives under this roadmap are expected to support Malaysia’s commitment to greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction under the Paris Agreement led by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Malaysia’s global climate commitment is to reduce its economy-wide carbon intensity (against GDP) of 45% in 2030 compared to 2005 level. Realization of the Government’s vision is crucial in supporting the nation to achieve its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) targets. This talk will describe the identified resource potential, strategies, key actions, opportunities, current and future scenarios.

Mr. Saiful Hakim Abdul Rahman
Mr. Saiful Hakim bin Abdul Rahman, has been in the utility and energy related business for over 28 years. He started his career with Distribution TNB scholar and served the distribution division for 17 years which provides him with vast experience in Distribution Network business. He then moved to United Kingdom and worked with Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE), one of the big 6 utilities in the UK based in Glasgow. Whilst in SSE, he was involved in Business Planning, Regulatory Reporting and Compliance, Asset Management and supporting the grid connections for Renewable Energy under the Transmission business. He worked closely with OFGEM, the Regulator for the UK utilities during that period in developing the Regulatory Reporting for the RIIO-T1 Regulatory Period. He developed his interest and enthusiasm on Renewable Energy whilst working there. Later he joined Landis+Gys AG, a Swiss based energy management company developing business on energy management solution such as smart metering and smart grid. Mr. Saiful Hakim obtained his Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from University of Brighton, United Kingdom in 1993 and MBA (Strategic Management) from Aston University, United Kingdom in 2011. During his MBA time he also attended Audencia Business School, Nantes in France for lectures.