Call for paper
ICCCE 2023
9th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2023
Kuala Lumpur
"Engineering Research for a Sustainable World"
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the International Conference on Computer & Communication Engineering to be held in Kulliyyah of Engineering, IIUM Gombak, Malaysia, on 15-16 August, 2023.
The main objective of this biennial conference is to provide a forum for engineers, academicians, scientists and researchers to present the result of their research activities in the field of Computer and Communication Engineering. The primary focus of the conference is to create an effective medium for institutions and industries to share ideas, innovations and problem solving techniques. On this basis, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia is calling to submit original technical papers for presentation at the 9th International Conference on Computer and CommunicationEngineering (ICCCE 2023) which address issues that serve the field and the global community.

Papers are invited on topics that cover, but are not limited to:
- 5G and Beyond Wireless Communications
- Advanced Computing Architectures
- AI and Machine Learning
- Antenna and Propagation
- Automation, Control and Robotics
- Big Data Analytics
- Cyber Security and Network Reliability
- Electronic Communication
- Emerging Technologies
- Energy Harvesting and Renewable Energy
- Green Technology and Smart Grid
- IoT and Cloud Computing
- Optical Communication and Photonics
- Power System and Power Electronics
- Radiation Hard Electronics
- RF and Microwave Circuits and Devices
- Sensor and Actuators
- Signal and Image Processing
- Software Engineering
- Virtual and Augmented Realities
- VLSI & MEMS Design
- Wireless Sensor Networks
Paper submission
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of no more than six (6) pages including results, figures and references in standard Conference Publishing Services (CPS) double-column format ( as attached )
All accepted and presented papers will be published by the conference proceedings and will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for indexing among others, to DBLP, Scopus, Science Direct, The previous ICCCE conference proceedings have been published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library and indexed by Scopus.
Here is the link to access the previous proceedings of ICCCE which have been published in IEEE Xplore
Submission is through EDAS (submission link) and must adhere to guidelines available at the website.

Important deadlines
1 May 2023
Paper submission deadline
19 May 2023
Paper submission deadline (first extension)
31 May 2023
Paper submission deadline (final extension)
15 June 2023
Notification of acceptance
1 AUGUST 2023
Camera Ready Submission/Payment and Registration deadline
15-16 august 2023
Conference date
The authors of accepted papers must register for the conference and present their papers. Conference proceedings will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and for indexing among others, to DBLP, Scopus, Science Direct, and ISI Web of Knowledge. The previous ICCCE conference proceedings have been published in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Scopus and Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge.
Get in touch
ICCCE2023 Conference Secretariat
ECE Department,
Faculty of Engineering,
International Islamic University Malaysia
53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia