International Islamic University Malaysia
IIUM is a unique university either in Malaysia or on a broader plane of the world. Since its inception English is used both as its medium of instruction and the language of its administration. It blends harmoniously modern and professional disciplines with traditional values and moral virtues. Its students originate from more than 100 countries representing nearly all regions of the world. IIUM has spared no effort to ensure that it provides the best tertiary education possible in all branches of knowledge.
It scours the entire world to recruit accomplished scholars for its academic faculties. Its administrative divisions are manned by committed and dedicated professionals. Through generous support from the Malaysian Government, its facilities are kept up-to-date to the changing demands of the core business of the university such as teaching and learning as well as research and consultancy. Because of their holistic qualities through emphasis on commitment to ethics and moral values, graduates of IIUM have in-built added values that employers are looking in knowledgeable and skilful professionals.
Through its unique educational model of integration and Islamization of knowledge, IIUM unifies reason with revelation, science with religion and ethics with professional courses. Undoubtedly this is one place where great leaders of the future are being trained and nurtured to hone their potentials. It tempers the spirit of optimism with moderation. Its establishment in 1983 was a fulfillment of one of the major aspirations of the contemporary global Muslim community to regain the leadership of the Ummah in the quest for knowledge as encapsulated in its vision statement:
“To be an international centre of educational excellence which integrates Islamic revealed knowledge and values in all disciplines and which aspires to the restoration of the Ummah’s leading role in all branches of knowledge.”
IIUM operates under the direction of a Board of Governors with representatives from the eight sponsoring governments and the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). It maintains links with governments and institutions all over the world, such as the League of Islamic Universities, the International Association of Universities and the Association of Commonwealth Universities. Through smart industrial linkages it develops opportunities for students to gain practical work experience that would be very useful in their future careers development.