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  1. Presenting authors must register for the conference for acceptance of abstract.
  2. Abstract should be in British English. 
  3. The abstract is limited to a maximum of 250 words.
  4. The structured abstracts should have the following headings namely Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion.
  5. Symbol, abbreviation and references should be avoided in the abstract.
  6. Below the abstract, provide a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of five (5) keywords that will assist in the cross-indexing of the article using appropriate terms from medical subject headings (MeSH).
  7. The following requirement must be strictly observed:
    • Font: 12 points; Times New Roman
    • Spacing: double-spaced
    • Margins for left, right, top and bottom should be 2.54 cm (1 inch).
    • Do not use bold face for emphasis within text
    • Numbers one to ten are written out in words unless they are used as a unit of measurement
    • All abstract should be written in one paragraph.
  1. The full name of all authors should be mentioned
  2. Full postal address of all authors’ institution should be mentioned (as 1, 2, 3, etc. as superscripts).
  3. Please provide Email address, of the corresponding author.