Official ILTC 2019 E-Proceedings
The e-Proceedings contain original articles written by presenters of the 3rd International Language and Tourism Conference (ILTC 2019). Since the theme for ILTC 2019 is Sustaining Global Development Goals Through Languages, Education, and Tourism, the e-Proceedings will be divided into four different volumes accordingly.
*Updated on 8th January 2020
Reputable Journal List
Selected quality conference papers will be invited accordingly to publish in one of the following reputable indexed journals:

International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding
- ISSN : 2055-0944
- eISSN: 2055-0952
Submitted conference papers will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process and published in the e-Conference proceeding with ISSN number. Best paper awards according to categories will be given to outstanding empirical papers that convey the conference issue.
Authors may be required to extend and revise (if needed) their conference papers before the consideration into these selected journals. Guidelines on the submissions will be communicated to delegates after the conference. Terms and conditions apply.