
WP-Abstract Manual

  1. Open your conference dashboard by wp-login to your site.
  2. Add new page title Event. Click button publish after fill up the form.


3. Go to Appearance to add page event in the menu. Add event to the menu list.


4. Edit the event page to add several event lists.


5. Make sure to activate the WP Abstracts Pro.


6. Go to WP Abstract Pro to add new events for user or participant to upload their abstracts. Click button Add New.


7. Fill up the form and click button Submit (Deadline is the duration date for participant to upload or submit their abstract).


8. In the event list, copy the shortcode of the selected event.


9. Add new page title EIBA (refer to your event name). Paste the shortcode in the textarea. Click button publish after fill up the form.


10. Open or edit the event page to link the event to its abstract. Highlight the event name, click insert/edit link, and choose your page event for example EIBA. Click button Add Link.


11. Back to your conference, go to menu and click event tab. Click the event name.


12. The event page now is view. Participant need to either register new account or login before they upload the abstract to the event. For new registration, participant will get an email to activate their account. Click the activation link in the email.


13. Now participant may submit new abstract by click the button New Abstract.


14. Fill up the form, upload your abstract and click button submit.


15. The abstract is in the list. The owner of the abstract can edit or delete their abstract.


Links you may refer:

  1. WordPress Abstract Submission Plugin Customization by Begin with B