How to submit abstract?

From Main Page, Click Button “Abstract Submission”

Click  “Create an Account”

Fill up all necessary information required.

  1. Email
  2. Password and retype password
  3. Tittle
  4. First name and last name
  5. Gender
  6. Category
  7. Click “Register”

Check your email. By right you will get notification for your registration of abstract submission.

Click on the link given to activate your account.

Your account will be activated after that.

You may now login with your own username and password.

From your Dashboard, click “+New Abstract?”

Fill-up necessary information

  1. Your abstract title.
  2. Select Topic.
  3. Author name.
  4. Author email”.
  5. Author affiliation

Fill-up necessary information

  1. Presenter Name
  2. Presenter email
  3. Presenter preferences
  4. Choose your file to be uploaded
  5. Click “Submit” button.

Default status for submission is Pending. The status will be changed later after it has been assigned for review.

Notification to your email also will be sent to your inbox.