ICLET 2021 e-Proceedings
Reputable Journal List
Selected quality conference papers will be invited accordingly to publish in one of the following reputable indexed journals:

Indexed in ERIC
Indexed in MyCITE
Processing fee: 25% waived for ICLET2021 presenters
Scope: Education and Literacy
Submission to be directly emailed to editor.ijels@aiac.org.au

Call for Chapters: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Cross Border Trade and Business

Indexed in MyCite
Processing fee: 25% waived for ICLET2021 presenters
Scope: Education and Literacy
Submission to be directly emailed to editor.ijels@aiac.org.au

KLM Tourism and Hospitality Research eBook
Annually Update

Submitted conference papers will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process and published in the e-Conference proceeding with ISSN number.
Authors may be required to extend and revise (if needed) their conference papers before the consideration into these selected journals. Guidelines on the submissions will be communicated to delegates after the conference. Terms and conditions apply.