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Publication Opportunities

ICLET 2021 e-Proceedings

Reputable Journal List

Selected quality conference papers will be invited accordingly to publish in one of the following reputable indexed journals:

Jurnal Penyelidikan Ilmu Pendidikan IPGM

Jurnal Penyelidikan Akademik IPGM

TEAM Journal of Hospitality & Tourism

Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts

At-Tajdid – A Refereed Arabic Biannual

International Young Scholars Journal of Language

Jurnal Teknokrat IPG Kampus Pendidikan Teknik

International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies

  • Indexed in ERIC
  • Indexed in MyCITE 
  • Processing fee: 25% waived for ICLET2021 presenters
  • Scope: Education and Literacy
  • Submission to be directly emailed to editor.ijels@aiac.org.au

Journal of International Tourism and Hospitality (ITHJ)

Journal of International Business and Management (JIBM)

International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities


Call for Chapters: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Cross Border Trade and Business

Journal of Language and Communication (JLC)

  • Indexed in MyCite 
  • Processing fee: 25% waived for ICLET2021 presenters
  • Scope: Education and Literacy
  • Submission to be directly emailed to editor.ijels@aiac.org.au

KLM Tourism and Hospitality Research eBook

  • Annually Update 

Journal of Modern Languages

BIMP-EAGA Journal for Sustainable Tourism Development

Journal of Event, Tourism and Hospitality Studies (JETH)

Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal (E-BPJ)

IIUM Journal of Educational Studies (IJES)

e-Bangi Journal

Al-Daad Journal

Submitted conference papers will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process and published in the e-Conference proceeding with ISSN number.

Authors may be required to extend and revise (if needed) their conference papers before the consideration into these selected journals. Guidelines on the submissions will be communicated to delegates after the conference. Terms and conditions apply.