Assalamualaikum, warahmatullahi, wabarakatuh.
On behalf of the Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (MME), Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), I am delighted to extend a cordial welcome to the attendees of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Engineering. The impetus and participation at previous ICAMME conferences, which drew attendees from around the globe, have inspired the department and the faculty to establish biennial conferences. Our objective in organizing the ICAMME conferences and subsequently publishing the manuscript at the Scopus-indexed conference proceeding is to establish it as a reliable benchmark in the realm of manufacturing and materials engineering. This platform fosters a constructive environment for policymakers, researchers, students, and colleagues to engage in intellectual discourse and share research discoveries. The current conference is dedicated to the subject of “Research and Innovation for a Sustainable Future.”
ICAMME conferences in the past and present have followed strict rules, such as Scopus guidelines for a blind review process and the close scrutiny of an experienced technical committee to make sure that papers are updated based on reviewers’ comments and template requirements. A acceptance rate of approximately 90% was attained for the ICAMME 2022 conference, out of 110 full paper submissions submitted via Microsoft CMT from approximately 20 countries. I would like to attract your attention to the infographics that we have prepared in related to the demographic of our conference participants in 2022 – click here.
All those who have contributed significantly to the realization and success of this conference, including the organizing committee, have my deepest appreciation. I wish to extend my sincere appreciation to the distinguished keynote speakers, members of the International Advisory Board, and sponsors. The conference’s adherence to a high standard of quality would not have been possible without the diligent work of every single reviewer.
We extend our sincere wishes for a pleasant hybrid experience to all attendees and hope that ICAMME 2024 proves to be a prosperous and enjoyable occasion for all involved.
Dr. Ahmad Zahirani bin Ahmad Azhar