AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (AHAS KIRKHS) envisions to lead research in Islamization, integration, and relevantization, which have been ingrained in her organisation for the past forty years. To further realise the vision, AHAS KIRKHS and FPISS USAS are organising an exhibition to showcase researchers’ ideas and findings. To enhance the impact of the exhibition, the organisers are pleased to invite researchers on Islamic studies and human sciences from local and international universities to partake in the exhibition.
Your participation will not only enhance your visibility as experts in Islamic studies and human sciences but also provide the opportunities for research collaboration and funding from external industries, government agencies and NGOs.
The exhibition aims to become an annual event organised by AHAS KIRKHS to promote and recognise the contributions of researchers in the fields of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences.

The exhibition is for researchers in Islamic Studies and Social Sciences to:
- Present their ideas, completed and ongoing research activities, innovations and outputs.
- Engage stakeholders in providing feedback from various viewpoints.
- Provide a platform for funding opportunities.
- Showcase their research and innovation to the industrial players.
- Enhance networking and collaboration with national and international researchers.