In conjunction with the IIUM Engineering Congress 2025, the Department of Science in Engineering at the Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in collaboration with “Namangan State Technical University (NamSTU) [former, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology (NamIET)], Kosonsoy Str., Namangan, Uzbekistan”, Andijan State University (AndSU) and University of Chittagong, is delighted to announce the 7th International Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering (ICMAE’25) as part of its activities.
The event will be conducted in a hybrid mode, and we extend a warm welcome to participants from around the world to join us on our campus in the capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ICMAE’25 serves as a continuation of the previous conference series, aiming to bring together academicians, scientists, researchers, students, and scholars globally to share and impart the latest knowledge on the applications of mathematics in various fields.
We welcome submissions encompassing various branches of mathematics, statistics, and their applications in the real world. The areas covered include, but are not limited to:
- Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods and Simulation
- Methods Physics and Mathematics in Technologies
- Modern Physics (Theoretical and Experimental)
- Differential Equations, Algebra and Analysis
- Quantum Computing
- Probability and Mathematical Statistics
- Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Submitted works must be authentic, unpublished, and represent state-of-the-art research.
*All accepted papers will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings ( Scopus index publication).
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