Attention: ICCE ’22 will only be accepting any further submissions (either in abstract-only or full-paper form) up until 6:00 PM on the 8th of August 2022.
- The submission of abstracts/full papers for ICCE ’22 must be made electronically and online through the Microsoft CMT system (henceforth referred to as just ‘CMT’).
- To start, visit the main ICCE ’22 homepage at There you will find a yellow-coloured button labelled ‘Submission’. Click on this button.
- You will be redirected to the CMT login page as shown below. Here, you may enter your login credentials if you ALREADY have a pre-existing CMT account. Otherwise, proceed to create a new CMT account by clicking on the ‘Register’ link.

- Note: Some authors may find that after they have logged into the CMT system, they are presented with a screen entitled CONFERENCE LIST that is showing an empty list of available conferences in the My Conferences table. In this case, the affected authors have to click on the ‘All Conferences’ tab and then input ‘ICCE2022’ (with no space or separator in the middle) into the search/filter field on the right hand portion of the screen. After that, please click on the ICCE 2022 link that is shown in the search results.

- Only then will they be presented with the AUTHOR CONSOLE screen as shown below.

- Kindly click on the ‘Create New Submission’ button.
- Next, you will arrive at the actual submission page. It will be similar to what is shown in the following figure.
- Please fill in the respective fields on this page (all of which are self-explanatory) and proceed to upload your submission files for full papers (ensure that the format of your full paper adheres to the official ICCE ’22 template format). If your submission at this moment in time is still abstract-only, just paste the text of your abstract in the relevant field for now. However, do keep in mind the deadline for full-paper submission which can be referred to on the main ICCE ’22 webpage.
- After clicking on the ‘Submit’ button, you are done.

Kindly follow the given instruction.
- Submit your full paper.
- Preparation of online presentation: 1) Pre-recorded video(in MP4 video encoding format) 2) Live presentation (presenter is compulsory to attend the live Question and Answer session). Kindly be informed that a maximum of 10 minutes will be allocated for the pre-recorded video presentation and 10 minutes for live Q&A.
- The presenters need to submit the Presentation Slides (pdf) and Pre-Recorded Video (in MP4 video encoding format) using the attached link. Kindly submit the requested files latest by 8th August 2022.
- It is encouraged for presenters to record their video presentations using Zoom which will automatically save the video in MP4 format.