In ICBME 2022, we will select the best oral presenters & posters, and all recipients will be given E-certificate awards. Apart from that, we are now open applications for the young scientist award and excellent researcher award. All participants who are eligible in the following categories are invited to apply, and provide us with proof and supporting details.
Young Scientist Award
- Age: Below 40 years
- Work Experience after Msc/PhD: below 5 years
- Institution: R&D organization or Higher Education institutions public/private
- Scopus H-Index: five (5) and above
- Number of scientific publications in Q1/Q2 (JCR): AT LEAST 10% FROM THE TOTAL(JCR+SCOPUS)
- Number of Citation in Scopus: More than 150
- Category of grant as Principal Investigator: AT LEAST 2 RESEARCH GRANTS.
Excellent Researcher Award
- Age: 40 years and above
- Work Experience after MSc/PhD: More than 5 years
- Institution: R&D organization or Higher Education institutions public/private
- Scopus H-Index: ten (10) and above
- A number of scientific publications in Q1/Q2 (JCR) : AT LEAST 20% FROM THE TOTAL (JCR+SCOPUS)
- Number of Citation in Scopus: More than 300
- Category of Grant as Principal Investigator: AT LEAST FIVE (5) RESEARCH GRANTS (CUMULATIVE AMOUNT USD 15000)