- All abstracts should be written in clear English (United Kingdom) with accurate grammar and spelling.
- The whole document should fit on one side of A4.
- Text must be typewritten in black using Arial 11 with single line spacing.
- Title in Bold (font size 11, Arial).
- Full name of authors and supervisors should be used, supervisor’s name appearing last (font size 11, Arial).
- Use superscript numbers to match authors and institutions (if any author from different Kulliyyah or Institute/University) (font size 11, Arial).
- The list of authors names should be followed by the authors’ affiliation including Department, Faculty, and University (font size 11, Arial).
- Abstract text should be divided into the following sections:
Introduction: A brief description of the background of the study.
Aims: Objective of the study.
Methods: a brief description of the materials and experimental method used.
Results: The result should relate the observations and/or data collected during experiment/study. It should be concise and informative and only the most important results need to be included.
Conclusion: A brief summary of the essentials results that are demonstrated by the data collected. It should also briefly state the implications of these results.
Keywords: Only 3-5 keywords are accepted - Total words not exceeding 300 words. The word count is excluding title, author(s), and keywords.
- The abstract should be reviewed by all team members including supervisors before submission and all the information in the abstract must be correct.
- The content of the abstract cannot be modified or corrected after the end of the submission deadline, no amendment, changes or additions whatsoever to the abstract text, authors (either first authors or co-authors), or affiliations are permitted. Please take great care to ensure that no mistakes are made.