Abstract & Paper Template:
- To download template for an abstract , please click the button below:
For conference proceeding full paper preparation, please refer to full paper template below:
- Please prepare full paper in MS Word file for the submission.
- Once you ready to submit either your abstract or your full paper, you can click “Abstract & Paper Submission” under ‘Call for Paper’ menu above. You will then redirected to EasyChair platform where you can do your submission. If you already have an EasyChair accout, simply log in with your existing credential; otherwise you have to create your new EasyChair account for submission purpose.
- All accepted manuscripts of registered participants will be published in the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (WOS-indexed conference proceeding). Full list of indexed database is given HERE
- The selected high-quality papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in the ISI/SCOPUS indexed journal (with additional publication fee).
Important Dates