

Oral Presentation Instructions

Accepted paper will be presented in an Oral presentation section by one of the authors. Oral presentation consists of 15 minutes for presentation of the paper, including such research background, aims, problem, and method or approach followed by result, discussion and conclusion that the author wishes to present. An additional 5 minutes are available for Q&A/discussion with the attendees.

To perform the presentation, the following equipment will be available in the conference room:

  • Presentation Laptop (with Windows 8 or Windows 10 operating system) and LCD projector
  • PowerPoint  (which can accommodate presentations created in PowerPoint 2019 and 2021)
  • Only author who present the paper receives the certificate of presentation.

Presentation Slides

Slides should be prepared in Microsoft PPT or in Acrobat Portable Document Format (pdf). Each presenter should prepare a reasonable number of PowerPoint slides, so as not to exceed the 15 minutes time. Typically, one slide is presented in 1 minute. Additional slides could be prepared as backup slides to support possible answers to attendees’ questions.

After presentation, there will be 5 minutes question and answer section. Presentation should be clearly structured and should contain the essential elements of the accepted formal paper. Please save your presentation slide in a flash disk and ready to use. Speakers are requested to come to the presentation room at least 10 minutes before the start of their oral sessions to transfer their presentations to designated computers. Please be punctual regarding the duration of your presentation.

No-show Policy

Every accepted paper to IICON 2023 should be presented in oral session. The organizing committee reserves the right to remove a paper from the final proceedings if it was not presented at the conference.

Authors of no-show papers will not have their registration fees refunded.

Guideline for Presenter on Parallel Session

Registration to parallel session (GMT, Malaysia Time) start at:

Day 1: 10.15 – 10.30 AM

Day 2: 08.15 – 08.30 AM

Time of presentation:

Paper Presentation: 10 Minutes

Q&A                         : 5 minutes